Dress for Success: A Clothing Blog

How To Choose Work Safety Uniforms That Represent Your Construction Company

by Clifford Fowler

When you own any company there's one thing that's always certain: the people who work for you are representative of your company and your brand. When you have people who are rude, misbehave, or just don't dress the part, it speaks to the integrity of your company and could tarnish your whole representation. If you own a construction company, then you know that the work that your company does is the most important thing and that while your crew is working, they need to represent your company well. One of the best ways to do that is to ensure that they are equipped with the right uniforms.

Choose Bright Colors

You don't want your construction crew to look like a set of highlighters that you can see from a mile away, but you do want them to be safe and seen. One of the best ways that you can do both of those things is to make sure that all of their uniforms are made of bright colors, especially if they are wearing a safety vest. When they have a vest on, it will help keep them protected against traffic both on the job site and off the job site. And, the more protected they are, the less of a liability they are and the safer they will be. 

Show Your Logo

Getting business by word of mouth is a great thing, but a lot of construction companies get their business by other people driving by and becoming interested in what they do. Essentially, consider your construction crew to be a walking advertisement. as such, make sure that they wear t-shirts, jackets, and vests that have your company logo on it so that everyone can see it clearly. In addition to having your company's name and logo on it, consider adding your phone number as well so that people can see it and call you without having to google you.

Choose Solid Hard Hats

One thing that a lot of construction workers think is elective is a construction hat. Construction hats aren't just going to keep them safe, but they can save your company from getting a hefty fine from the city as well. Make sure that you invest in construction hats that are comfortable, super protective, and will keep all of your workers as safe as possible. 

To learn more about work uniforms, reach out to a clothing company near you. 
